There is a video at the end of this post to help you get started!
Our objectives or goals for this lesson are:
*I will create a self portrait in the style of Romero Britto focusing on bold black lines and vibrant or colorful patterns.
*I will illustrate how I hope to grow, what I hope to learn or what makes me happy in my portrait.
First we create 4 idea sketches. Some are closer up (just my face) and others are further away (my whole body). I have thought about the background as well. Take only 3-4 minutes per idea sketch. Once I have 4 ideas, I will choose one to enlarge or make bigger for my final piece.
I chose the one in the bottom right corner to make enlarge. I made sure that all of my shapes were nic and big to give me lots of opportunity to add in my colorful patterns and still be able to trace all my pencil lines in black.

I wanted to break up my background of water so I added some wavy lines so that I could put in more than one pattern to make it more interesting.
Then I started to add color. I started with me and the fish putting a different pattern in each shape I found. I even changed my pattern a little in my seaweed as I crossed my wavy line.
Then I finished coloring it in. Changing my patterns for each shape between the wavy lines. I like this but I think I could make my colors a little more solid to make it look more vibrant. I think I could make me stand out more if I chose a different color for my suit. I also think my bold black lines could be darker and maybe a little thicker.
I can't wait to see what you create!!
Here is the video, giving you instructions,
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