
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

MetalWorks Utah Animals

Students will be creating an animal of Utah in relief in aluminum. They will use big shapes and solid lines to create their animals.  We will then create a metal relief of the animal in some thick aluminum, thinking about positive and negative space as we get our animal to "pop" off the metal.

How do you draw animal?  Look for basic shapes.

Here is a video about how to transfer your animal to the metal.

Student Work!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

What have I been up to in my art studio?

Here is some of my recent work.

Sketch Book Challenges

Time to create your very own Sketch Book and give yourself a challenge.  To create your sketch book you will fold multiple sheets in half.  Take half of the sheet and cut a slit in the middle of the fold, leaving 1 1/2" at the ends.

Take the other half and cut 1 1/2" slits at the ends of the folds.  

Put one inside the other to create your book.  

Now create a cover.

Lastly, number 1-15 on the back and get ready to add some challenges.
Here are some sketch book challenge ideas:

Monday, January 2, 2017

Phases of the Moon

Students will use light and shadow to create a piece of art illustrating the phases of the moon.

Landforms and Vocabulary

Students will be using landform vocabulary to form the lines of a landscape piece.

This link gives us more information and photographs of these landforms.

Here is our list of landforms.

Verbs in Motion

Students will use their own movements as a reference as they create a movement across the page using basic shapes where our bodies hinge.

Emotional Characters

Students will be creating their own characters, each one showing a different emotion through the lines in their face and their color.

These videos will help you look at what the lines of the face do when they show different emotions.  Pay close attention to the eyes, eyebrows, mouth, and even nose.

What can you do when you recognize these emotions on the faces of friends?

What emotion are these kids experiencing?  What tells you that?